City of Manistique Government Officials

City Council meets at 7PM, City Hall, the 2nd and
4th Monday of each month or as posted at City Hall

Manistique City Hall, 300 N. Maple St., Manistique, Mi 49854

Manistique City Clerk   906-341-2290

All Manistique and Upper Peninsula area codes are 906.

Manistique City Officials
Position Name Phone E-mail
Mayor "Dave" Peterson
Mayor Pro Tem Christine Rantanen
Councilman Dan Evonich
Councilman Leon Generou
City Manager Sheila Aldrich
Public Safety Director Ken Golat
City Clerk Debbie Dougovito
City Treasurer
City Assessor-Zoning Fred Peterson
Super. of Public Works Nick
Water and Sewer Cory Barr
Downtown Development Authority "Bill" Hentschell
 © 2006